Sunday, November 6, 2011

Potential Monthly Earnings

Your potential monthly earnings are unlimited...

You $0.05/sms = $7.50 per month
Level 1 $0.05/sms = $7.50 per person, per month
Level 2 $0.04/sms = $6.00 per person, per month
Level 3 $0.03/sms = $4.50 per person, per month
Level 4 $0.02/sms = $3.00 per person, per month
Level 5 $0.01/sms = $1.50 per person, per month

Example - If you refer 5 people who each refer 5 people down the levels...

You : $0.05 x 5 x 30 days = $7.50 per month
Level 1 : 5 people x $0.05 x 5 x 30 days = $37.50 per month
Level 2 : 25 people x $0.04 x 5 x 30 days = $150.00 per month
Level 3 : 125 people x $0.03 x 5 x 30 days = $562.50 per month
Level 4 : 625 people x $0.02 x 5 x 30 days = $1,875.00 per month
Level 5 : 3,125 people x $0.01 x 5 x 30 days = $4,687.50 per month
Total : $7,320 per month

What happens if you refer 10 people who each refer 10 people down the levels?

You : $0.05 x 5 x 30 days = $7.50 per month
Level 1 : 10 people x $0.05 x 5 x 30 days = $75.00 per month
Level 2 : 100 people x $0.04 x 5 x 30 days = $600 per month
Level 3 : 1,000 people x $0.03 x 5 x 30 days = $4,500 per month
Level 4 : 10,000 people x $0.02 x 5 x 30 days = You do the math!
Level 5 : 100,000 people x $0.01 x 5 x 30 days = You do the math!
Total : You do the math!


Sign-up here:

If you're in the USA, please text the phrase "cashtexts 20912" to 69302 to activate your membership.
Anybody outside the US, just use the web form to sign up and verify your email address.

If you are interested to advertise your products or services via permission-based phone text messages, sign up for your free advertising account here:


Earnings shown above are estimates of potential income you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept that individual earnings may differ significantly.

As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience.

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